Moving from “Say” to “Do”

Actions speak louder than words and that is never more true than when conducting learning experiments to help create, refine or launch new products. Time and time again we have seen that it is better to observe what consumers and shoppers DO when given a chance to behave without observation vs what they might SAY out of context of their real lives.

We firmly believe that every project team should be moving from concept to tangible product as quickly as possible which we demonstrate through Mission Field’s EMBR™ (Energize, Make, Burst, Roar) process. At every step, the product idea should be tested by progressing minimal viable products that real consumer can touch, taste, interact with and ideally, shop. We counsel our clients to avoid the paralysis of waiting to get every aspect of a new idea right. It is better to test the waters, iterate and repeat.

For example, when Danone hired Mission Field to test two separate beverage concepts, we executed two weekend-tests in a real store setting to determine which idea would resonate best with consumers. This “Burst” operation showed clear results that one concept vastly outperformed the other and demonstrates how our EMBR™ brand of processes can be used at any stage in an innovation journey. When businesses need guidance to take their products to the next level, they know to look for Mission Field’s EMBR™ (Energize, Make, Burst, Roar) innovation process.

Mission Field clients quickly receive the benefit of our years of experience of taking a spark and growing it into a lasting fire, as we focus heavily on making sure we deliver do insights over say insights. So, as you think about your challenges, how will you move from “say” based research to “do” informed learnings? Give us a call, we’d love to make our EMBR™ process work for you.


Mission Field Receives award


It’s Innovation Day 2022!